Message from the Designer #01

The following is abridged from my original weblog entry on designing "Fatal Frame: the Card Game." (February 2005)

Message from the Designer #02

The following is abridged from my second weblog entry on developing "Fatal Frame: the Card Game." (April 2005)

Message from the Designer #03

The following is abridged from my third weblog entry on finishing "Fatal Frame: the Card Game." (April 2005)

Beyond the Camera's Lens
A superb Fatal Frame fansite, concentrating on the characters, storyline and inspiration for the video game.

Fatal Frame 2 official site
The official site for the Fatal Frame 2 video game.

Tecmo Games
Tecmo's company website.

FF2 on GameFAQs.com
Some excellent walkthroughs and text archives on FF2.


Also from fourhman.com:

Disney's TaleSpin:
The Card Game

MST3K's Mitchell:
The Card Game

Red Dwarf:
The Card Game


. .

Fatal Frame and all related elements copyright Tecmo Games.
Card game design and website copyright Joe Fourhman 2005. Bookmark www.fourhman.com/fatalframe
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