Download the entire rulebook in PDF format.

Version 1.1
September 2004

Rewards, Damage, Draw and Bounties
If the attacker wins, first resolve the reward listed on the attacking card (if any; Pilots usually have rewards, but Players do not.) Then total the Damage and Draw effects on the attacking maneuvers. Resolve the Damage first and then the Draws.

For each Damage effect, the attacker has three choices:

  • Select one of the defender's packed cargo and open it.
  • Select one of the defender's open cargo and discard it.
  • Force the defender to discard one card. The defender gets to choose which card.

For each Draw effect, the attacker draws one card from the deck.

These effects are carried out one at a time and treated as separate events, so a total effect of 2 Damage would allow the attacker to open one packed cargo and then discard that same card if it turns out to be real Cargo.

If the defender wins, he or she gets to claim a bounty on the attacker. This means the defender may select any one of the maneuver cards on the table from this dogfight and put it into his hand... except any Player cards. (Similarly, if either player has a card/effect to draw from the played maneuvers, Player cards are not eligible.)

After the dogfight is over and all possible effects are resolved, discard all maneuvers still on the table (except for Player cards; if a Player card was used to start this dogfight, return that card to that player.)

For a complete breakdown of the dogfight sequence, see the timing table. This table is important in the event that multiple players want to play cards or effects simultanously.

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Card game design and website copyright Joe Fourhman 2004. Bookmark
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