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Version 1.1
September 2004

A dogfight is initiated by either a Pilot card or a Player card (Player dogfights must be within the RANGE stat of the Player character. Remember that a Player's RANGE is equal to the RANGE of the Player plus any relevant bonuses from Passengers.) That Player is the attacker, and the chosen opponent is the defender. In the dogfight, the attacker plays three maneuvers one at a time. For each attacking maneuver, the defender must match or beat it with a maneuver of his or her own. The dogfight ends when the defender can't (or chooses not to) block the attacking maneuver, or when the defender successfully blocks the attacker's final maneuver. If the attacker wins the dogfight, he or she gets to perform any Pilot reward actions and carry out any dogfight effects. If the defender wins, he or she receives a "bounty": the choice of any card played as a maneuver.

Once the attacker starts a dogfight, the defender has the choice to defend; if the defender opts out, the attacker has won the dogfight and gets to apply any rewards or effects.

If the defender accepts, each participant draws cards according to their individual PILOT skills. The attacker always draws first, according to the PILOT skill of the card that started the dogfight, either a Pilot card or the total PILOT skill of his or her Player and Passengers (if the dogfight has been started by the Player's RANGE.) For the defender, the amount of cards drawn will always be the total PILOT skill of the Player card and any Passengers with pluses to PILOT.

Once both participants have drawn their PILOT bonus cards, the attacker begins the dogfight with the first attacking maneuver. The attacker's first maneuver is not a card from his or her hand, however... it's the one printed on the Pilot card or Player card, depending on how the dogfight was started. The Pilot card should be placed in the center of the table to display the first maneuver.

The defender must either play a maneuver from his or her hand or concede the dogfight. If the defender chooses to play a defensive maneuver, the numerical value must meet or beat the attacking maneuver's value. The blocking maneuver should be placed on the table side by side with the attacking maneuver so it is obvious to all that the attack has been stopped. If the defender has no maneuvers in hand that can block the attacking maneuver - or he or she simply chooses not to defend against it - then the attacker has won the dogfight.

If the attacking maneuver is blocked, then the attacker must play a second maneuver. The defender again has the option of blocking or conceding. If the defender successfully blocks this maneuver, then the attacker must play a third maneuver.

If the defender can block all three attacking maneuvers, the defender wins the dogfight. If the attacker runs out of cards before playing all three attacking maneuvers, the defender wins the dogfight.

If the defender accepts the dogfight, draws PILOT bonus cards, but then concedes before playing any defensive maneuvers, the defender must suffer an additional Damage effect as well as whatever results from the attacker winning the dogfight.

Dogfighting continued on the next page

<: playing cargo

dogfights 2 :>

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Card game design and website copyright Joe Fourhman 2004. Bookmark
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