Download the entire rulebook in PDF format.

Version 1.1
September 2004

The following table breaks out every single step of the dogfight. Not all dogfights will actually experience every single step, this is purely for rules lawyer purposes.

Phase 1: Starting the dogfight

  • Attacker announces dogfight by playing a Pilot card or using his Player's RANGE.
  • Attacker chooses a legal opponent.
  • Attacker may play any cards that say "Play when you start a dogfight."
  • Defender may play any cards that say "Play when opponent starts a dogfight with you."
  • Defender chooses whether or not to defend the dogfight. If defender chooses not to defend, skip ahead to Attacker wins the dogfight.
  • Attacker may play any cards that say "Play before drawing PILOT cards."
  • Defender may play any cards that say "Play before drawing PILOT cards."
  • Attacker draws cards according to his PILOT skill.
  • Defender draws cards according to his PILOT skill.
  • Attacker may play any cards that say "Play after drawing PILOT cards."
  • Defender may play any cards that say "Play after drawing PILOT cards."

Phase 2: Playing maneuvers

  • Attacker points out his first maneuver, the one listed on the Pilot or Player card.
  • Defender may play any cards that say "Play instead of playing a maneuver."
  • Defender chooses to play a maneuver from his hand that meets or beats the first attacking maneuver, or announces that he can't (or won't) play a maneuver. If defender concedes, skip ahead to Attacker wins the dogfight.
  • Attacker may play any cards that say "Play instead of playing a maneuver."
  • Attacker plays his second maneuver, a card from his hand.
  • Defender may play any cards that say "Play instead of playing a maneuver."
  • Defender chooses to play a maneuver from his hand that meets or beats the second attacking maneuver, or announces that he can't (or won't) play a maneuver. If defender concedes, skip ahead to Attacker wins the dogfight.
  • Attacker may play any cards that say "Play instead of playing a maneuver."
  • Attacker plays his third maneuver, a card from his hand.
  • Defender may play any cards that say "Play instead of playing a maneuver."
  • Defender chooses to play a maneuver from his hand that meets or beats the third attacking maneuver, or announces that he can't (or won't) play a maneuver. If defender concedes, skip ahead to Attacker wins the dogfight.
  • If defender plays a maneuver that meets or beats the third maneuver, skip ahead to Defender wins the dogfight.

Phase 3a: Attacker wins the dogfight.

  • Attacker may play any cards that say "Play when you win a dogfight."
  • Defender may play any cards that say "Play when you lose a dogfight."
  • Attacker resolves the reward on the Pilot card that started the dogfight (if any.)
  • Attacker totals up the Damage effects on his played maneuvers and applies them one at a time. If the defender chose to defend the dogfight but did not play any maneuvers at all, the defender suffers one additional Damage.
  • Attacker totals up the Draw effects on his played maneuvers and draws that many cards.
  • Attacker may play any cards that say "Play when a dogfight ends."
    Defender may play any cards that say "Play when a dogfight ends."
  • Any other players may play cards that say "Play when a dogfight ends" in turn order from the attacker.
Dogfight ends.
All played maneuver cards are discarded, except for Player cards.

Phase 3b: Defender wins the dogfight.

  • Attacker may play any cards that say "Play when you lose a dogfight."
  • Defender may play any cards that say "Play when you win a dogfight."
  • Defender takes one played maneuver (except a Player card) to his hand.
  • Attacker may play any cards that say "Play when a dogfight ends."
  • Defender may play any cards that say "Play when a dogfight ends."
  • Any other players may play cards that say "Play when a dogfight ends" in turn order from the attacker.
Dogfight ends.
All played maneuver cards are discarded, except for Player cards.

<: additional 2

glossary :>

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Card game design and website copyright Joe Fourhman 2004. Bookmark
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